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Invisalign Clear Braces

Invisalign® Clear Braces

Invisalign Clear Braces

Though traditional braces are an extremely effective way of straightening teeth, patients are requesting Invisalign® as their preferred teeth straightening method. Invisalign® Clear Braces are a teeth alignment system that allows patients to get the straight teeth they want without the metal.

Initially, a thorough evaluation of the mouth will occur to make sure Invisalign® is the proper method of teeth straightening for the patient. Using digital x-rays, the iTero® intraoral scanner, and computerized treatment planning software, we will then plan how we want the final look to be. We will then show you how the final result will look using the software.

Once we receive the Invisalign® kit, the patient will wear a series of clear, removable retainers that gently straighten teeth as they are worn over a period of time.

If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign® or scheduling your complimentary orthodontic consultation, call us at 409-762-4488. We're looking forward to serving your orthodontic needs.

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