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Full & Partial Dentures

Full & Partial Dentures

Dentures are a set of replacement teeth that we can put on when we have lost our natural teeth because of a serious tooth decay or periodontal disease. It is easy to smile, talk, and eat properly when we have a well maintained set of teeth. There are different types of dentures:

Full Dentures

Full & Partial Dentures

A full denture is the automatic option if you have lost all your teeth. The conventional method requires for the denture to be placed in your mouth after the teeth are extracted and the gum tissues have already healed. If the waiting period for healing is not an acceptable option for you, an immediate full denture procedure is a better alternative. In this process, the dentures are placed right away once the teeth extraction is completed. One downside of this is that gums can shrink over a number of weeks and may require adjustments in the immediate dentures at a later date for it to fit and function properly.


If you have lost only a number of teeth and would like the rest to stay firmly in their original position, the overdentures are your best bet to address the gaps between your natural teeth. Your dentist can provide an assessment if your natural teeth would be able to support the overdentures that will be put in place.

It could take a few weeks to become accustomed in using your new dentures. An increase in saliva flow may occur as your mouth is still adjusting. A well fabricated set of dentures should not hurt, slip, or click so monitor these occurrences over time. Checking back with your dentist is a required visit so that they can assess the results of the procedure.

Make sure to clean your dentures every day to keep it from denture odor and staining. Before reinserting your dentures, take the time to brush your tongue and gums with a regular toothbrush to stimulate circulation.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are prosthetic devices used by patients who have missing teeth. They cannot use full dentures, because they have functioning natural teeth that they do not want to lose, so what is often called a partial plate is fitted. The denture can be removable or fixed, but by far the more common of the two is the removable type, because it can be taken out, cleaned and reinserted. A fixed prosthesis can only be removed by a dental professional.

Partial dentures are classified into several types according to which teeth they are replacing, but share features such as the base (the pink-colored material that looks like gums), the teeth, connectors and retainers (called precision attachments), or clasps. Precision attachments are more costly than clasp systems, and are better looking than clasps. These features will vary in size, shape and function again depending on the type of partial plate a patient needs.

Before the patient is fitted for partial dentures, the dentist may need to apply crowns to natural teeth to assure a good fit. After the denture has been fitted and constructed, it will be adjusted for the most comfortable and efficient mouth position. After a few weeks of getting used to the way the partial feels and removing and inserting it, the patient will feel that it is a natural part of the mouth. During this time the dentist can make adjustments to the fit as needed to keep the patient comfortable and free from any irritations that may be caused by the device.

While the patient is getting used to the partial, eating hard or gummy foods is not advised, but otherwise with care and common sense a normal diet can be resumed after a short time. Partial dentures can also have an effect on how a person speaks, since it changes the internal shape of the mouth and the parts that make sounds. Any difficulties a patient may have in this area will fade with time and practice, such as reading aloud and practicing difficult sounds.

Taking care pf partial dentures is fairly simple. They should be removed and completely cleaned as the dentist recommends, and should be stored in a denture solution to prevent drying. As time goes by, it is likely that adjustments will be needed to keep the device functioning and comfortable. Seeing a dentist regularly will help keep the dentures working correctly and feeling natural in the patient's mouth.

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